Verification Checks with Greater Frequency and Efficiency.
Forget about the manual, time-consuming searches of multiple state and federal data sources. Legisym’s License Verify™ is a comprehensive service for verifying pharmaceutical licensing across the nation. The license data you previously collected during labor-intensive searches of multiple data sources, are instantly verified and available through a single, comprehensive database and APIs (application programming interfaces).
Designed with regulatory compliance, proactive warnings, and maintenance in mind, Legisym’s License Verify™ harnesses the power of:
A Single, Comprehensive License Database
Convenient, Quick Service Dashboards & Utilities
Insight on Potential Issues:
Automation with Integration Options
Web Services:
FTP Automation:
Third-Party Audit of License Verify™
As part of our efforts towards supporting the industry and our partners, Legisym had the Drummond Group, the same independent software review and certification organization that has been trusted to audit Express222™ CSOS on five separate occasions, conduct a comprehensive review of License Verify™ in accordance with industry best practices and common application frameworks. During the assessment of the comprehensive, license tracking and verification service solution, Legisym’s 7 primary claims related to efficacy, accuracy, and usability were evaluated and findings officially documented. Claims such as:
- accurately captures licensing data provided by regulatory authorities through electronic automation;
- licensing data is refreshed as frequently as daily, (dependent upon the issuing authority) with no refresh longer than monthly; and
- reduces the frustration of day-to-day tasks by integrating with internal systems.
To learn more about the Drummond Attestation Report of License Verify™ or to schedule a live demo, contact us today.
Choose a Complete Solution Based on Your Needs
Depending on your compliance needs, business structure, and budget requirements, Legisym offers verification solutions to fit your process:
Single License Verification
Multiple License Verification